Welcome to the Thong Forum! 👋

We are so glad you joined us. Please help make the Thong Forum a positive place for all by adhering to the following rules.

:handshake: Be Excellent to Each Other

Everyone is welcome here. Treat each other with respect. When you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the :heart: to show your appreciation or support.

:writing_hand: Stay on Topic

There are many forums on the internet. This one is for people that enjoy wearing thong and g-string swimsuits. Refrain from posting about other topics.

Read the Community Guidelines before replying or starting new topics.

:underage: We’re All Adults

You must be at least 18 years old to participate in this community, but the Thong Forum is not an adult site. Only post appropriate, on topic content. If you wouldn’t say it to another person in public, you likely shouldn’t say it here.

:no_entry_sign: No Advertising

This site is ad free. If you are associated with a swimwear brand, you are welcome to engage with the community, but please do not post advertisements for your products.

:camera: No Photos or Videos*

The Thong Forum is a place for discourse. Share your thoughts, not your photos/videos.

* It is okay to post links to media that contribute to the discussion, such as a TV news clip.