Something missing? Reply below, and I’ll add it to the list. - Mostly women’s and some men’s suits
Thanks, @Bonzo69. I updated the list.
Men only
Thank you, @Zonneman.
AQUX Japan, Google translates to English
Mategear Korea?
Gary Majdell
Thanks @Flatfront. I added those the the list.
Thanks for sharing, @HizuruTees.
I am limiting this list to swimwear brands. Some underwear is nearly indistinguishable from swimwear and functions well in the water, however, I think it will be confusing if we direct people to websites that don’t have a swimwear category.
Many facilities require “swimwear”. I quoted these rules for Edmonton pools in another post.
Suitable swimwear is required. Swimwear may be made of different types of fabrics and styles as long as it does not interfere with safety or water quality. All swimwear must be clean and brought to the facility for the purpose of swimming.
Brands listed here should satisfy similar rules.
Love this. Would add Desmiit. Also consider adding a price symbol or column ($, $$, $$$)
Thanks for the suggestion, @tony.
I added Desmiit to the list.
Arroyman -
Thank you, @floridathonger. I added Arroyman to the list.
Nice - list - This helps a lot to remember some brands that we may have forgotten about… as well as some new ones we’ve never tried before. This is great and the links too. Sweet!
Two to add to the list are:
Tendenze - Expensive, but worth the wait and the cost.
Jovana Design - Fantastic selection of Fabrics and styles - My #1 Choice
Thank you, @jtanguy. I added those to the list.
Please feel free to post reviews for any swimsuit in the Brands category.
The most expensive bikinis and thongs for Men and Women come from in Japan. Some are imitation leather. I like the tiny fronts on the men’s suits! The men’s designs are so hot! Some have pouches, some don’t. I did not buy any yet.
Thank you, @Flatfront.
Not a bad task for ChatGPT, lol.